Monday, February 1, 2010

EclipseLink on LinkedIn

I was back in the field last week helping a customer with their migration to EclipseLink from a 3rd party developed solution using TopLink Essentials. Generally these migrations are very straight forward but in this case we bumped into a few unique wrinkles caused by the original solution being developed on a very early version of our JPA 1.0 solution and the consultants building it introducing a partial JPA container that changed the default behaviour.

Ultimately we got the issues resolved in relatively short order and enjoyed a great meal with some of the consultants on the project in Halifax. I truly enjoy any chance I get to down into an application and help developers solve their persistence challenges.

During my visit I made some notes on a couple of take-aways.

1. Update the EclipseLink wiki's best practices to include a couple of additional scenarios around long-running transactions.

2. Help connect the existing community of Java professionals using EclipseLink.

I have already started on the first and will post some highlights here when the work is completed. To address the second action item I created the EclipseLink Group on LinkedIn.

The goal of this group is to allow any and all Java professionals who use LinkedIn to connect and share ideas, job opportunities, news, and upcoming events. If this sounds interesting to you please join the group and share your ideas.
